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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm In Debt by MTV Networks

It may be hard to believe, but because of the availability of easy credit, and the record high cost of college, young Americans today are carrying more debt than any generation in history. On this episode of True Life we meet three young people who are struggling desperately to clear their credit, just so they can get their lives off the ground.
Twenty-two-year-old Amy is an insatiable shopper, who's accumulated at least $14,000 in credit card debt alone. With creditors calling her everyday, she finally has to learn to control her spending. Amy works at an up-and-coming modeling agency/recording studio called Lifestyle, as the assistant to the owner. Amy swears that she will put money towards her bills as soon as she gets paid, but has failed to receive any checks. Skeptical that she'll be able to pay off her debt working for Lifestyle alone, Amy is persuaded by her father to look into city job openings as a second income source. After not receiving any payments from Lifestyle for six weeks, Amy decides to cut her ties and is back to being unemployed on her parents couch. Bored quickly with unemployed life, Amy enlists her mother for help on creating a resume, only to give up minutes after she starts. Weeks later, Amy begins to go on job interviews, and looks forward to working full time to begin to battle her debt.
Daniel, 25, bought a condo when financial times were good, but after loosing her job she now finds it difficult to pay her mortgage. With only a week left till she has to make a minimum payment of $900 on her mortgage, Daniel hustles at her bartending job to try and make more tips than normal to avoid being evicted. When she doesn't even break three-hundred dollars on a Saturday night, she begins to worry about how she's going to make her payments. In order to maintain her restrictive budget, Daniel begins to shop smarter for her groceries, spending as little money on food and other necessities as possible. Eventually Daniel decides to ask her boss for more shifts, and after a few months is making more money. With a full week's worth of shifts under he belt Daniel can now afford to pay her mortgage on time, reduce her credit card debt, and even attend dance classes in her spare time.
After twenty-one-year-old Ashley was laid off, she began paying for her expenses using her credit cards, and now owes over $20,000. Forced to move back in with her mom and dad, Ashley has to make a very difficult decision: will she decide to declare bankruptcy to settle what she owes, even if it means her credit rating will be ruined for years. When Ashley visits her attorney to get more info about filing bankruptcy, he informs her that not only will it ruin her credit; it could prevent her from being hired for any jobs in the future. In order to declare bankruptcy, Ashley must meet with a credit councilor who tells her she may have other options besides filling for Chapter 7. Over the course of their meeting Ashley and her councilor come up with a long term payment plan that would eliminate her credit in just over three years. After weighing her options, Ashley decides that declaring Chapter 7 bankruptcy is in her best interest. Weeks after her bankruptcy trial Ashley admits to having more control over her spending and can save up to $400 a month. She plans to move out of her parent's house after a year's time has passed.

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