These stories are based on reality....Welcome ..Enjoy...Be Fascinated!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm A Staten Island Girl by MTV Networks

They may technically live in New York City, but they don't feel like it. But like most in other Big Apple boroughs, they're part of a tight-knit community bonded by thick accents and common ethnic backgrounds. They're residents of Staten Island, and they have big dreams of better lives that are only possible off the island.
Twenty-one-year-old Danielle aspires to be an actress, but needs to drop her accent to be taken seriously. A self proclaimed "daddy's girl," Danielle lives a sheltered life with parents who have given her everything she has ever wanted, until now. When she realizes she hasn't been challenged at home, she takes acting classes in Manhattan in hopes they will eventually lead to her big break.
After working as an extra, and getting help from a specialist to improve her diction, Danielle feels she is finally ready for her first audition. When she doesn't land the TV role, she doesn't give up hope and makes plans to move to Los Angeles immediately after college to pursue an acting career -- and drop the S.I. accent for good.
Angela fears that, at age 25, she's getting too old to find someone to marry. She's always been attracted to "typical Staten Island guys" with spiky hair, muscles and fake tans, but her parents tell her to look elsewhere. Angela occasionally dates her longtime friend, Anthony, but when he
repeatedly doesn't call after seeing her, she realizes he's just like the other Staten Island guys who aren't ready to settle down. She goes on dates and even heads into Manhattan to search for Mr. Right, but can't seem to find men who interest her. Unfortunately, she realizes that she's not looking for a nice guy --- she isn't attracted to that type. For now, Angela is pursuing a second Master's degree and waiting for a man to realize and appreciate her Staten Island greatness.
Lauren, 22, says Staten Island will always be her home, but she needs something else, and that something is the diversity of Manhattan. After going away to college and amassing huge amounts of debt, Lauren is forced to move back home to save money. After quickly becoming impatient at home Lauren feels she needs to move to Manhattan as soon as possible, but first has to find a way to consolidate her loans and her bills.
To make some quick cash, she gets a job as a cocktail waitress in Manhattan, but can't seem to earn money fast enough to keep the banks off her back. In the mean time Lauren also volunteers for a PR firm in Manhattan, which gets her foot in the door for a job. Eventually Lauren is able to work off the majority of her debt and is waiting for the day when she can move on, a day she can shake being a Staten Island Girl to become a City Girl.

1 comment:

oxoinfo2909RU said...

I watched the TV show for this episode, its very interesting, just click on the video below!